We were voted the “Best Financial Planner/ Investment Firm” in the Anoka County area in 2018*


Was it because we don’t chase people down and hound them with phone calls?

Was it because we’ve helped thousands of people since 1981?

Was it because of our commitment to not using high pressure sales tactics?

Was it because we teach free educational classes to the public rather than put on sales presentations?


*Award selection is comprised of nominations received from local readers and business owners, which are based on achievement, experience, innovation, leadership and community involvement.


Now is your chance to find out why Zigler & Associates was voted the 2018 Readers’ Choice Award Winner for “Best Financial Planner/Investment Firm” by readers of the Anoka County Shopper.


Choose one of our 3 most popular services at no cost!


Retirement Income Plan

When you retire, your paycheck disappears, but your need for income doesn't. The switch from an Investment Plan to an Income Plan, is one of the most difficult phases in retirement. A Retirement Income Plan not only has to protect your nest egg and distribute monthly income, but it also has to grow your assets to keep pace with inflation.

If you do not have a Retirement Income Plan, we will do one for you for NO COST. Even if you are already retired, it is not too late put your current strategy to the test and see just how survivable your retirement nest egg really is.

Social Security Analysis

“Do I start collecting at age 62?”

“Do I defer my benefit until age 66 or maybe even age 70?”

“How can my spouse and I to coordinate benefits?”

There are 81 ways for a married couple to claim Social Security benefits and choosing poorly can have a major effect on your retirement. Our Social Security Analysis will show you multiple different claiming options and automatically find the claiming strategy that fits best with your goals.

Portfolio Expense Review

Too often people focus on things that they can't control rather than focusing on things they can control. Most investors concentrate on what they cannot control, the markets and the markets' returns, instead of the things they can control; fees and expenses. 

Investment fees and expenses are one of the few things you can control that has an impact on your portfolio. Over time higher investment fees and expenses can add up leaving you with less money to spend in retirement or pass on to heirs. 

Do you know the total cost of what you are currently paying?



What’s the catch? There’s always a catch…

We get it, we get asked all the time why and how we can do these things for no cost. We’ll let you in on our dirty little secret:

We are in an industry that requires a lot of trust and working together on a limited, no-risk basis allows us to get to know each other and see we we think there is a good fit. It’s a win-win; you get some help and maybe a second opinion and we get to introduce ourselves. We are confident that you’ll like us enough that you’ll want to become a client, but if not, that’s OK too.

Are you going to put me on a list and hound me forever if I take you up on this offer?

Not at all. We have better things to do with our time than bug someone who doesn’t want to work with us. If you decide you want to work with us at some point down the road, you can give us a call, we’ll be here.

Am I going to be pressured to buy something?

Absolutely not. When you leave, you’ll have a hard copy of your plan/analysis to take with you and keep.